Time for Nature

In Maine winters are quite long, cold and often lonely, many people living very isolated lives. When spring comes, nature comes alive and everyone seems to come out of their hibernation. I love flowers and birds and this spring we did some landscaping in our backyard to attract more birds and see more nature. Now we have our own little bird sanctuary and we love it. Having had health issues and some days where I don’t even leave the house, looking outside at these birds and flowers is now a great gift. I love taking photos as some of you already know and these are a few of my most recent ones. I love to watch life unfold right before my eyes. Birds go in waves, they have what I call rush hour, where they are at all the feeders at once and then there are times when no one is around…it’s too warm or dark outside or not time to eat. Hummingbirds love the in between times when no other birds are around, mostly as a safety issue. They also generate a lot of energy while they fly or drink nectar. It seems our garden is a place of rest of them. A month ago Zippo, one of our hummingbirds who comes back every spring was resting every evening at dusk on a bush by the house and we could tell he was mostly resting/sleeping. We have also a whole family of bluebirds, mom dad and their 4 children, who first started in one of our birdhouses and they are always visiting on a daily basis.

Of Course watching birds and flowers hasn’t been my only occupation. I learn a lot from nature. Sometimes I really want to see my birds and they just seem like they vanished at that time. I have to learn that creativity and inspiration just work the same, you can’t make it happen. You have to wait for the right time. The same happens with my jewelry…inspiration comes in waves like the birds. I have made many new necklaces and earrings in these past few months. My Etsy shop has been quite busy. I’ve had 171 sales since Jan 1, 2018.

Last but not least, our daughter has two small children whom we adore and try to spend as much time as possible with them.

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful restful summer


The All New Me

Since I last wrote My Favorite Blue Piecean article on my blog, a lot has happened to me physically. In April 19 this year I had a Stroke (Acute Arterial Ischemic Stroke, Vertebrobasilar, Thalamic) and have some annoying numbness in my left hand and mouth as a result. Of course I was hoping to recover feeling in my dominant hand but it didn’t happen yet. I am still praying every day for that miracle to take place. Apparently I was blessed that this is the only problem I have since fatalities are common when someone suffers such a stroke. My whole world was shaken with this unfortunate event which happened coincidently the same day my youngest sister Agnes attempted suicide. We are all grateful she survived this ordeal after two weeks in a coma and is basically healthy and getting better, as I am. What brought on the stroke was inactivity from my broken foot that took 6 long months to heal. I don’t want to be ranting about how difficult life is, but want to let you know why I have been so quiet. Life has been quite overwhelming with MRI’s and many doctors and chiropractor appointments which didn’t help much.

In July I started having horrible Migraine Headaches which actually are still present I am sorry to say. They were triggered by the stroke. Any kind of stress triggers them. I have a hard time tolerating any medicine that is not natural, so all the medications for headaches gave me terrible side effects and I had to stop. One wonderful woman told me about Medical Marijuana (or Cannabis) which is about to be legal here in Maine where I live. Honestly I wasn’t thinking that would even be an option for me. When I heard that there are Cannabis Tinctures that are not dope but actually used for pain for people with autoimmune diseases, cancer and other sicknesses, the light went on. I have been using this for now maybe a couple months and the greatest thing is that it helps my sleep as well.  So I am slowly getting my life back.

Hand Knotting a Blue Pearl Necklace

In spite of all these intense hurdles, I never closed my Etsy Store. I continue to make new designs and love what I do. Most of my fingers are numb on my left hand but I still can feel them, so I am able to wire wrap and solder and do most of everything I like to make… but with more effort and sometime frustration though!

I bought some gorgeous High Quality Freshwater Pearls from my two favorite suppliers in the Greater Boston area a few months ago. I made for the holidays a lot of new Single Pearl, Double and 3 Strand Pearl Necklaces and Pearl Earrings with these amazing pearls. I have also removed from my store the custom orders because that takes too much of my time and brings on stress. I love what I do and put all of myself in it. I am happy to say that all my efforts haven’t been in vain and this past month of November was my best month ever in my almost 7 years on Etsy.

Please take a look at my New Designs if you get a chance,

Happy Holidays to you and a Merry Christmas


The Story Behind My Blessings Necklace

This Necklace – one of my latest designs – looks like something insignificant but it’s not, and it took a long time to put together. I had this Design on the back of my mind for a good while before I actually put the necklace together which happens a lot in my business.

IMG_0331The first thing is that I wanted the necklace to have a blessing. I thought of the high priests in the Biblical Old Testament who wore on the breastplate of their garment 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel. I research this issue.  There has been a lot of analysis on this topic and different people say different things about colors and content of these gemstones. I just didn’t want to deceive my customers.

I tried making this necklace with 12 stones after having decided from the information I gathered what the colors might be and it just didn’t look right, it was too many stones for the design. What was I to do with this dilemma? I love the number 7 as it is the number of perfection in Biblical terms. I have studied Bible Symbolism and Biblical Dreams and really wanted people to be able to wear something that has a lot of significance.

So I picked these beautiful simple and significant Semi Precious Gemstones and this is the final result after changing quite a few colors to make this a happy and go with everything necklace to would bring a lot of blessings to the person wearing it.

The Stone Necklace is s full of Biblical Symbolism with 7 Color Semi Precious Stones. Number 7 being the number of Perfection.
* Pink – Love, Wisdom (Cherry Quartz)
* Purple – Royalty and Intercession (Amethyst)
* Red – Wisdom, Anointing (Red Jasper)
* Blue – Revelation, Communion (Blue Jade)
* Green – Growth, Prosperity (Green Aventurine)
* Orange – Perseverance (Orange Chalcedony)
* White – Holiness, Purity (Mother of Pearl)

Throughout history, in every civilization, gemstones have been highly prized and sought after. The Bible makes numerous references to jewels and precious stones. To name a few passages, In Exodus 28:21 the Lord ordains precious stones to be used in the making of the breastplate of the High Priests’ garments. Zechariah 9:16 says that the Lord’s people will be like jewels in a crown. In Revelation 21:19-20, John names twelve stones that adorn the foundation of the New Jerusalem.

Update on Etsy the venue where I sell my jewelry – About a year ago Etsy decided to add wholesale shops and it seems like this had drowned the handmade arts and crafts original idea they started with. Jewelry is a very saturated business everywhere but specially Etsy. I started almost 5 years ago and have learned so much. I have had months even this year where I did remarkably well and I was getting all excited. Everyone on Etsy has been complaining about loss of sales, whether it’s because of the general economy or just an Etsy issue, nobody is really too sure. I try to keep my prices very fair as I work alone and do everything from A-Z. I see P1110096Freshwater Pearl,Sterling Silver or Gold Filled Jewelry on Etsy that is made in China mostly and sells for under $20.00!I couldn’t even buy the supplies for that price most of the time. This kind of issue makes my business really difficult and discouraging. Many people will buy a product like that but it might be silver plated or gold plated and will not last because it’s made in mass production.

I turned 65 this year and am dealing with physical issues that some days like today make it really hard to do anything. Today is computer day, I have no energy to make any stock to prepare for the holidays. I have a form of Fibromyalgia, tiredness and sleeplessness is one of the major symptoms. This is one of the reasons I do not keep up with this website.

I wish you all a wonderful fall (for those living on this part of the planet). Here in Maine it has been the most beautiful fall I have ever seen since I moved to the USA from France in 1975.


Leaning into the Fall Season

I was busy this summer and into the fall with some new Jewelry Designs and minor health problems at the same time. It is always a challenge to keep going some days. I turned 65 in June and I feel that my body is not keeping up with the program. So I am sorry for not having written more the past few months. I went to Europe where I am from, to visit my family and came home really exhausted and it took me months to recuperate.

In Maine where I live we have had an amazing summer with the most beautiful weather.

I  have gone through a real creative phase recently which I love. Here are some of my new designs. Please go to my store for more details on these listings.